Renewable energies in class

Status: Sep 2022

"120 kWh per day and person"

On average, every German needs this amount of energy. In order to stop climate change, this amount of energy must be generated by regenerative energies. But how much energy can be generated in Germany by sun, wind, water, etc.?

With this module, using ready-made teaching materials, you can answer this question together with the students and learn about renewable energies in such a way, that you essentially don't have to put in additional time, but you teach based on these topics, what you have to teach according to the curricula, thus achieves two goals at the same time.

For example, for the topic "height energy", instead of calculating the height energy of a high diver, you can calculate the potential of hydropower.

Download the renewable energy handbook (pdf)


Das Handbuch der erneuerbaren Energien herunterladen (Gymnasium/Realschule)


Module lecture

Module materials

Learning unit: Understanding energy

Additional material will follow soon.


Alle Unterrichtsmaterialien sind mit der Creative Commons Lizenz ( CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) lizenziert.